Saturday, 29 January 2011

Surfing the Web!

Well i am in work and have not been able to go for a surf today so i settled for surfing the web! Heres what i found. Inspirations and other pretty things....

Here is a bit of Julie Verhoeven
Some current work from the Saatchi Gallery, 'British Art Now' and 'The revolution continues: new art from China'
and some other pretty things i couldn't find any information about!
Feeling all inspired now, however not as much fun as a real surf. Ive just been told there were Dolphins in the water today! Ah Well.... back to the internet surfing!

Friday, 7 January 2011

I Knit Therefore I Am

Inspirations from Sasha Welsh Donaldson's Photographs of knitted trees in Bristol

Freddie Robins awesome knitter!

The Guerilla Art Kit by Keri Smith Which is full of fun little things to do to get Creative and get our there! May fave ones are knitting round trees and lamp posts and how to Graffiti with Moss!

I Must Wander....

These lovely photographs are of the work of Lotta- Jansdotter
"Sharing design and projects for everyday inspiration"
I love how organic and natural her work looks its very simple yet very effective!

I want to do something new, something different, which is proving difficult as as there is nothing new and everything is the same..... so I must Wander.... to see if i can find anything new or something different...

Great Quote by Marilyn Monroe

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year!

I spent New Years in St Ives, it was brilliant! Everyone was all dressed up in fancy dress i dont think i saw one person dressed in normal clothes! It was a lovely way to bring in the New Year with old friends and new ones. We walked home along the coast to Carbis Bay and had a play in the sea too! Dont think i could have a had better time!

Well its almost a week into the new year and im over half way through my dress making course which is going well and if all goes to plan im off to Bali and Perth in about 4 weeks! Which is scary! Have LOADS to do before i go! Mainly sewing and drawing related so im off to get started! Ill post some new work soon!

Wishing everyone a lovely January! xx

More photographs from the Craft Fair